What can founders mental health counselling offer?

Whether you’re a founder, an employee, or just someone who cares about someone who is a founder, mental health is important.


Being the head of your own company can be an incredible experience. You get to make your own rules and answer only to yourself! But it’s also a lot of pressure, and sometimes, it’s easy to forget that it can later take its toll on your body and mind.


That’s why there are founders of mental health counselling. But what exactly does it offer?

Ways a founders mental health counselling can help

Mental health counselling is a great way to take care of yourself and the people around you through these measures.

  1. Individual counselling for founders.

A founders mental health counselling offers individual sessions for founders. It is surprisingly manageable to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself so that when someone comes up to you and asks what your biggest challenge is, the answer isn’t yourself.

You may not have time for individual counselling, but here’s why it’s worth making space in your schedule.

  • It lets you express yourself and explore thoughts that are difficult to put into words for any reason.
  • It helps you identify the source of stressors and learn new coping mechanisms for dealing with them.
  • It helps create structure and discipline around consistent self-care practices like exercise and meditation.
  1. Team building workshops.

A team building workshop is an exercise that helps you and your fellow founders understand each other and your company better. It can be used to 

  • Lead you to get on the same page with your co-founders and employees.
  • Help you understand yourself better.
  • Help you remind yourself of your goals.


Whether or not you run a startup, these exercises will help you dig deep about yourself, especially if they’re done in a group setting.

  1. Coaching sessions to improve leadership skills.


Coaches can also help you identify blind spots or potential issues that might not be obvious to you.

  1. Stress management

While there are many ways to deal with stress, we believe that founders mental health counselling offers one of the best solutions for leaders who are feeling overwhelmed. 

Why? The answer is simple. It helps you develop lasting strategies for managing your emotions. Consequently, when things get hard, you have a plan for handling them in a way that makes sense for you and your business.

For example, let’s say you’re dealing with an angry customer who wants to cancel their subscription because they think your service isn’t working as well as advertised. 

Your first response may be to argue them down until they stay on board. But if you’ve had some time with a counsellor beforehand and learned how to recognize and manage your own triggers, you might take a step back before responding, which could result in a better situation.

Get on the right track with a counsellor!

As a founder, you have a lot on your plate. You have to deal with all facets of the business, from development to marketing to financials and everything in between. You have an idea that you believe in and are willing to fight tooth and nail for it.


But this can be isolating. Finding time to talk about your feelings is hard, and even harder to find someone who will listen without judgment.


A founders mental health counselling can help you get back in touch with yourself to focus on what matters most, building and scaling your business.

For more information, visit:individual counselling service Hong Kong